Creating Your Own MEGG Game Skin

Instructions:(version 240310)

This form alows you to create your own online multiplayer game based on the MEGG engine.
MEGG games are skinned with the file and the stylesheet engagement.css.

Completing this form will create your own MEGG file and MEGG Colour Scheme.

Your Name
Your Email Address

1. MEGG Values
Replace the values shown with the ones you want to use.
Enter Your Game Title
(limit 20 Characters)
Enter Your Game directory
(limit 3 Characters)
Enter Your Quiz Title
Correct Quiz Questions are worth (default 10 points)
Name of the Interaction between Players will be
(examples Attack, Race, Infect, Challenge, etc)
Your Game's Background Information
(Information to be displayed by the Background Menu option)

Element 1
Element 2
Players can buy more of this element using Element 1
Cost per Unit
Element 3
The values opposite represent possible upgrades
Upgrade Name and Cost

Element 4
The values opposite represent possible upgrades
Upgrade Name and Cost

Default Messages (Optional)
These messages appear in the Chat box under the game title.

2. MEGG Style Sheet Colour Values
This builds the stylesheet 'engagement.css'
Select Your Desired Colour Scheme from the drop box